Technology Solutions Provider, Inc.

Enterprise Content Management

Client: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

The Challenge

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) maintains a publicly available eLibrary to provide search capabilities to its users and the ability to request access to documents from numerous different systems for tracking electricity, natural gas, and oil data. FERC utilized IBM’s Image Services software for indexing, scanning, searching, management, and retrieval of these files for over ten years and required an upgrade to the new IBM ECM software, P8 to utilize Elastic Cloud Storage capabilities.  After a failed upgrade attempt with a different industry partner, FERC contracted with TSPi to resolve this ongoing ECM challenge and modernize their eLibrary platform.

Our Approach

TSPi developed a Proof of Concept (POC) environment to perform the conversion from IBM FileNet Image Services to IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager. The POC conversion consisted of over 2 million files of content and associated metadata. To address the goals of the POC conversion, TSPi established new development, test, and production IBM FileNet Content Manager Environments. 


After a successful POC, TSPi led the complete eLibrary data migration initiative. TSPi developed a “To-Be” Architecture to prepare and migrate the data present in the current FileNet Image Services system into the newly created FileNet P8 environment.  We also developed a detailed Migration and Project Plans on the switchover to Production from the old FileNet Image Services to the new P8 Environment.  Our team supported FERC with interoperability between FERC applications and P8 during integration testing for continuity during the migration.  And, to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities, TSPi managed decommission and knowledge transfer activities and documentation and provided ongoing routine maintenance and system administration of the new FileNet environment.


TSPi successfully addressed FERC’s technology modernization challenge and completed the upgrade to their public-facing eLibrary platform.  Our team ensured continuous availability and all security requirements were addressed for the new platform. Under TSPi’s technology leadership, FERC’s eLibrary is well positioned to serve the public and energy community for years to come.

FERC Library

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