Technology Solutions Provider, Inc.

Cybersecurity Architecture

Client: United States Air Force, Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

The Challenge

With everchanging cybersecurity requirements, PACAF needed expertise and technical analysis support services to identify the Cyber Key Terrain (CKT), critical infrastructure, and critical cyber assets in support of Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) mission sets.

Our Approach

TSPi assessed the current ability of the Air Force Information Network’s (AFIN) architecture to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities and continue to perform the required PACAF Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) missions.  TSPi also explored emergency readiness, systems disaster recovery, survivable, technological and policy solutions for integrating existing C2 systems (e.g. Theater Battle Management Core System for Air Tasking Order (ATO) dissemination; Command, Control, Battle Management, Communications (C2BMC) for ballistic missile defense C2; air and missile defense tactical systems) into the PACAF AFIN architectures.


TSPi developed operations impact assessments and risk mitigation recommendations.  These recommendations were comprised of mission requirements analysis, mission mapping, architecture and engineering evaluations, cyber key terrain identification, systems integration recommendations, personnel skills and operational processes for increasing the AFIN survivability and mission accomplishment.


TSPi recommended Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF) and policy changes to mitigate gaps determined during mission and architecture analyses.  TSPi ensured these recommendations provided for the integration of AFIN architectures to support PACAF’s JFACC mission area, with appendices that address network vulnerabilities, configuration control, operational impacts and risk mitigations, personnel skills and training, and operational processes to sustain and defend the proposed DOTMLPF changes.  TSPi also recommended survivability improvements to the existing and “to be” Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) structure to ensure JFACC mission accomplishment in the PACAF AOCs.  


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